Ahmed (AJ) Jomha
B.Comm. LLB
Ahmed Jomha is a practicing member of the Law Society of Alberta and carries on his practice with the law firm Jomha Skrobot LLP in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. He concentrates his practice in the areas of corporate law, real estate law and estate planning. During his 30 years of practice he has provided his legal services to a wide variety of businesses including those involved in international transactions.
Prior to engaging in the practice of law, AJ attended law school at the University of Alberta and obtained his Bachelor of Law degree in 1988. His experience in the family business for 5 years which came after obtaining his Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary, combined with his law experience, have provided him with a well-rounded understanding of the business world and the people that make up the business community.
In 2018 AJ came together with other lawyers to form Middle East Legal Services to provide services for both individuals and business who have matters requiring professional attention. Having roots in the Lebanon and travelled throughout the Middle East provides AJ with the skill set to assist his clients in those areas.
Our team acquires vast experience both legal and business systems in Lebanon, Gulf Cooperation Counsel Countries and the rest of the Middle East, giving us insight not only into the legal systems of these countries but also its culture, mentalities and their ways in doing business.
We can assist North American businesses preparing to enter into Middle Eastern markets by shortening the time required for the due diligence required to enter into those markets by providing advice and assistance on legal matters related to their countries of interest
As Laws vary dramatically from country to country and in conjunction with our vast know-how, we leverage the robust legal expertise of assisting North American lawyers to develop a better understanding of the legal challenges for their clients in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.