Challenges faces Landlords and Developers in Construction
Major players in construction projects usually are, landlords, investors, engineers, contractors, builders, banks and governmental institutions.
In any of the scenario the landlord may face many problems that will lead to frustrations, loss of money and time, delays in executions, not completing the project, debts, construction law violations, lawsuits, remunerations and indemnities, and might lead to seizing of property, auctioning it, loss of reputation and many other unwanted results and consequences.
To avoid such frustrations, prevent unwanted consequences and reach desirable achievements, Our Company shall provide its clients the right consultation and suitable services by:
In case of any dispute arises for any reason against any party we will incorporate an alternative dispute resolution process that allows for effective and efficient resolution of internal disputes via amicable settlement, run proper negotiation and mediation, and in case of failure we will represent you to resolve the issue by either arbitration or before competent courts.
Our team possess vast experience in both legal and business systems in Lebanon, Gulf Cooperation Counsel Countries and the rest of the Middle East, giving us insight not only into the legal systems of these countries but also its culture, mentalities and their ways in doing business.
We can assist North American businesses preparing to enter into Middle Eastern markets by shortening the time required for the due diligence required to enter into those markets by providing advice and assistance on legal matters related to their countries of interest
As Laws vary dramatically from country to country and in conjunction with our vast know-how, we leverage the robust legal expertise of assisting North American lawyers to develop a better understanding of the legal challenges for their clients in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.